Adorah Johnson is a local rising star in Manchester's Soul, Jazz, Hiphop and House scenes with a unique sound and deep yet relateable lyrics. This girl's got a load of gigs right now and her first solo EP 'True To Self' is soon to be realased on all good media outlets so Bloc2Bloc decided to invite her down to the studio for a chat about herself and her music.
Hello and welcome to bloc2bloc studios, first of all we would just like to thank you for coming down today for a chat.
Adorah: No problem thanks for having me!
Anytime Miss! Anyway we know you as Hannah, but would you mind introducing yourself to the rest of the world and telling them what it is you do?
Adorah: My names Adorah, full name Adorah Johnson; I’m a 24 year old singer and songwriter based in Manchester.
Nice one for that, I’m sure that’s a name that a few people will already know, now that’s covered though lets find out a little bit more about you! How did you originally get into music?
Adorah: Well I’ve always loved singing, with the writing side of things I started out writing poetry as a kid and then the poems turned into songs! I eventually found this youth club in Wythenshawe that ran music workshops, I used to go there all the time learning how to record music, preform and write lyrics. While there I worked with a group of people rather than on my own and as I got better I started preforming all over Manchester and the North West.
Its great to hear that projects like that youth club are pushing young artist and helping them get out! Since realising you were talented at what you do and very passionate about music what have been some of the best things that have happened because of it?
Adorah: Oh that’s a hard question because there have been so many moments that stand out! One of my best memories is from earlier this year when I was booked for Burns Festival in Scotland with my guitarist (James). It was wicked, we did a gig at the festival then later on in the day we preformed a really intimate acoustic gig for a group of writers. It was just me, James and the guitar, What made it so special was the way they all listened, everyone took something from it and we all spoke to each other after it!
That really does sound special! Would you say that that the small and intimate style of acoustic performing is what you prefer over the bigger gigs?
Adorah: To be honest I love them all, that day just stands out because it felt like memories were made for so many people there and everyone took something from the performance! As writers I knew they were listening to what I had written, they were all very interested to know how I write and where I get my inspiration.
Adorah: I’ve actually done quite a lot of different shows, like I said I started off with the youth club and that consisted of doing shows at community festivals and nightclubs in Manchester but from there I’ve done stadiums gigs and other venues around England, Also while on holiday I ended up doing a few little gigs in Morocco!
Yeah I can definitely understand why that was a highlight for, creating a connection with others through the love of music and being creative is always a good feeling! Other than Scotland where else have you preformed in this country or even around the world?
Adorah: I’ve actually done quite a lot of different shows, like I said I started off with the youth club and that consisted of doing shows at community festivals and nightclubs in Manchester but from there I’ve done stadiums gigs and other venues around England, Also while on holiday I ended up doing a few little gigs in Morocco!
Awesome sounds like you’ve done a fair bit of travelling! Were the gigs in Morocco planned or was it a little bit of an impromptu performance?
Adorah: It was a completely spur of the moment thing, sometimes you cant beat doing stuff like that! You can’t script or plan everything in life you’ve just got to take a leap of faith at times and hope for the best!
Adorah: At the moment I’m doing a lot of gigs preforming my EP ‘True to self’ which I brought myself exclusively to Bandcamp earlier this year. I’m working on a lot of new stuff with my guitarist (James Auton), if anyone’s seen my videos then he’s the guy I’m always jamming with! As well as that I’ve been collaborating with Conscious Poet and Verbal Wisdom recently and I’m going to be preforming with at Golden Egg in Fallowfield this Saturday. If you like Hip Hop it’s defiantly something you should come check out!
Definitely miss we will be there sounds like its going to be the shout to go to after the carnival! Where do you see your self in the future then Adorah? What do you want for your music?
Adorah: Well with my music I just want to spread a good message out and connect with people. If there were one thing I could wish for it would be for my songs to help people get through things because they can relate to the things I’ve been through. There’s a lot of doom and gloom in life so as long as my music is making people more positive then I’m happy.
So you’re about putting a smile on as many people’s faces as possible, and spreading good vibes. I like that it’s defiantly a good attitude to have in life, obviously your naturally a very positive and motivated person but who would you say inspires you in life and music?
Adorah: I would say one person who really inspires me with the music I make is Erykah Badu. She’s a neo soul singer who had massive hits in the 90s but has always stayed that little bit underground and I like that about her, it makes her intriguing. You know a singer is talking about something important when its not hitting mainstream media but she still has so many fans. Other musicians around me inspire me a lot, when I go and jam or meet new people it allows me to see how others work and study other techniques and styles if you know what I mean?
Yeah I feel you, you like having people to bounce ideas of and getting inspiration from mixing things up a little. Seeing as working with others is something you do a lot if you could collaborate with anyone, dead or alive who would it be?
Adorah: Oh dead OR alive! Am I aloud to pick two one dead and one alive?
Yeah I guess you can have three if you want, just make sure their good ones ha ha!
Yeah I guess you can have three if you want, just make sure their good ones ha ha!
Adorah: Right then! My living person would have to be an American rapper called The ILLZ. He’s got this hip hop sound but its like orchestrated; crazy instruments, vocal samples, lyrics and his flow make his music perfect! Everything about him is crazy really who you’ve got to check out to know what I mean.
I’ve not heard of him but this guy does sound sick, I’ll be sure to give him a listen! So could you see yourself doing a hook or something on one of his songs?
Adorah: Yeah defiantly, and a verse of course, I would love to! For working with people who’s are longer with us if I’ve got to say Hendrix, Bob Marley and Tupac, I love all their music!
Adorah: It depends to be honest, sometimes its just an idea that comes in my head out of nowhere and I need to some words down or I just wont stop thinking about it, then other times its I’ll get sent a beat or I’ll be working with someone playing guitar or keys and the ideas will start to flow from hearing the music and thinking about what I can bring to it. If it’s a collab then obviously there’s already a topic or a idea of where its going to then I will just think up of things and try to make them fit into what’s already there. From there it’s literally just a case of getting in the studio with whoever needs to be there and taking it from there. I suppose in the studio is where all the changes happen, the more times you go through something you see what works and what doesn’t.
Once again
you’ve said a lot about working with others, its good to see someone who’s not
just all about them self and does stuff with a diverse range of people! So who
would you say that B2B and people reading should be looking out for in the future?
Adorah: Oh there’s
so many as we was saying before there’s talent round every corner in Manchester!
I know ha ha,
I can imagine as a local artist your always locked into who’s making movements
but if you were to think about someone who you see preforming and you think
‘there going to go somewhere’ who would you say?
Adorah: I’m always checking new music and new people for real, but I think some of my favorite upcoming people right now in terms of the content there putting out would be Conscious Poet, Where’s Neek’s and Verbal Wisdom. All three of those, literally I cant explain the deepness, if your into your deep music you’ll see what I mean!
So you just see them do their thing and get really emotional over there music and it affects you?
Adorah: Massively, they inspire me! I mean, I’m bias because there people I’m around a lot, I work with them obviously I’m going to have that view but they really are amazing! Seriously though there really is so much talent in Manchester, there’s ape cult there smashing it right now from what I see, I’ve got to shout out ETV because there literally trying to push Manchester forward in a similar way B2B are! [Banner Laughs] Right now everyone’s just trying make a movement its nice to see that in Manchester right now because I think sometimes it’s felt like there’s not big support the way there is in other cities.
definitely in other cities it feels like everyone gets there shine where as in
Manchester we help each other and make everyone else shine!
Adorah: Exactly
that, I’m trying to think who else is doing it for me right now but there’s far
to many! I’m sorry if I’ve not mentioned anyone but there’s so many so keep up
the good work people!
Sounds like
you put in a lot of good work too recently and I would just like to say big up’s
because what you’re doing right now is brilliant both the music and the
community based positive attitude! I Think that’s pretty much a wrap so thank you
for coming down, now were just going to get a little video of you preforming
your song ‘Coast’ then well be seeing you later this week on Saturday I
Adorah: Thank you
for inviting me down, I look forward to seeing you soon!
Live preformance of 'Coast' for Bloc2Bloc
Live preformance of 'Coast' for Bloc2Bloc
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